Reakce ENVIFERu se znečišťujícími látkami je rychlá a výslednými produkty této reakce jsou netoxické hydroxid-oxidy obsahující železo v oxidačním stavu +2 nebo +3. Tyto ionty jsou standardně používány jako výborná koagulační činidla schopná odstranit ze systému nerozpuštěné pevné látky. ENVIFER je vhodný k odstranění řady organických i anorganických mikro-polutantů. Výhodami této technologie jsou rychlost a účinnost reakce, a zároveň malá spotřeba činidla. Feráty se také vyznačují dezinfekčními účinky, tedy schopností eliminovat nebezpečné mikroorganismy (bakterie rodu Cryptoporidium a Salmonella, koliformní bakterie, apod.) Schopnosti železanů:
Remarkable efficiency of phosphate removal: Ferrate(VI)-induced in situ sorption on core-shell nanoparticles
Despite the importance of phosphorus as a nutrient for humans and its role in ecological sustainability, its high abundance, resulting in large part from human activities, causes eutrophication that negatively affects the environment and public health. Here, we present the use of ferrate(VI) as an alternative agent for removing phosphorus from aqueous media. We address the mechanism of phosphate removal as a function of the Fe/P mass ratio and the pH value of the solution.
Use of the ferrates (FeIV-VI) in combination with hydrogen peroxide for rapid and effective remediation of water
This study is focused on laboratory experiments using industrial groundwater leading to the proposal of a pilot field application realized as an ex-situ remediation. The combination of ferrates with hydrogen peroxide was used in this study in order to enhance the removal efficiency during pilot remediation of groundwater strongly contaminated by a wide range of organic contaminants. This combination has been shown to be very effective. During the 24-hour reaction time the majority of detected contaminants were removed by approximately 60-80%.