Massive contamination by chlorinated ethenes (CHCs) under an engineering plant showed to be problem for a near groundwater receiving river. The innovative approach including formation of nZVI reactive geochemical barrier was chosen by the remediation company MEGA. Moreover, a prolongation of activity of the applied NANOFER was achieved thanks to the usage of DC. Long-term monitoring and remediation actions have been performed on site since 1992. The used measures included venting, airsparging and stripping but these methods collided with current operations at the plant. Therefore, geochemical reactive barrier was applied as a temporary safety element to remove pollution in the zone of contamination plume discharge. The principle of geochemical reactive barrier is based on in-situ reaction treatment zone formed in the place where contamination is leaking from the protected area – water flowing through the treatment zone is remediated and concentration of contaminants is reduced to required clean-up level. See more details in the attached brochure.