NANO IRON company is a participant of „FRAC-IN“ project

Together with partners from Czech Republic (Dekonta, a.s.) and Belgium (ABO and Adviesbureau inzake Grondwater Technieken n.v), NANO IRON works on research and development of in-situ remediation technologies based on hydraulic fracturing of subsurface. These methods are tested within the EUROSTARS project “Innovative suspensions for hydraulic fracturing enhanced remediation”, in short Frac-In. As a part of this project, we currently work on production of a remediation agent for enhancement of biodegradation of both halogenated ethylenes and petroleum derived contaminants. More about the project find on

This project has received funding from the Eurostars-2 joint programme with co-funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.